
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Night Life

I'm becoming nocturnal. Unfortunately, the turtles haven't been showing up. Hawksbill Sea Turtles generally nest up to four times in a season, with each laying being around 15 days apart. This entire week, we've been expecting the first turtle Lindsey tagged. We're giving up hope of her returning, however, and are, instead, beginning to hope that Picky shows up on Monday night. If we can get just one more nest fitted with data loggers and one more turtle satellite tagged, we'll be able to stop spending every night on the beach. JUST ONE! 

In the meantime, our circadian rhythms are getting completely messed up. We're becoming more accustomed to staying up late on the beach and it's getting harder to sleep out there. I'm convinced that beach gets more uncomfortable every night. So, after having last night off and not being able to sleep till far too long after midnight, I've given up the idea of keeping any semblance of normalcy in my sleep schedule. As such, this comic seems appropriate.

Credit to: xkcd
According to this scheme, my body is currently living in Honduras and my internal clock is located somewhere on a small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (assuming an 8 am wake up time). My roommate appears to be about two hours east of me, possibly in Korea. 

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