
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Getting Around

Utila is a small island. It's only about 25 square miles total. At best, it is about 8 miles long and 3 miles wide and the highest point, Pumpkin Hill, is all of 243 feet. The area that I regularly traverse is significantly less. However, it is still useful to know ones options for transportation in case going by shanks' mare in 85% humidity doesn't appeal. 

First, there are an assortment of scooters and motorbikes. 
Next, you could get an ATV. ATV's can carry up to four passengers plus their belongings with ease (seen it done). 
Bicycles are another option (and quite versatile, as you see) but they have the same issues as travel by foot, although they are a little faster.
Golf carts are also quite popular. From my observations, these generally fill the niche of minivans. I've seen two adults traveling with five kids, easily. 
A few standard size vehicles exist on the island (I've seen one minivan) but they tend to cause automatic traffic jams since they are as wide as any road on the island. 
The other option is to hire a tuk tuk. They can fit at least three people (we've done it) or a couple people plus their luggage (done that, too) and it costs only about a dollar to get anywhere we normally go.

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