
Saturday, August 25, 2012

100 Dives and Counting

This afternoon, I logged dive number 100! I have now spent more than 3 days of my life underwater. It was beautiful weather for a dive and Black Coral Wall had awesome visibility. It's also one of my longest dives to date at an hour and 25 minutes long. I love tropical diving! I worked on a map of the dive site as part of my DMT requirements and then we just swam around till the class on our boat was ready to leave. 

Oh, and if anyone was wondering, I use an Olympus Stylus Tough for an underwater camera. It's rated to only 33 ft but that's deep enough to reach the top of the reef and it can take some nice shots. (The camera can survive a deeper dive but the buttons don't work due to the ambient pressure. I had it on a dive a few days ago where we ended up with a maximum depth of 65 feet. It wouldn't turn on at depth but it worked perfectly fine once we ascended.)
A juvenile parrotfish eating

A Flamingo Tongue on a piece of coral

Black Coral. What the site is named for and a very
valuable coral if you dare risk the fine if you're caught with it.

My dive buddy

Fire coral. Don't touch!

Four-eye Butterflyfish

Practicing blowing bubble rings. Absolutely a required
 dive skill in order to be awesome.

These Gray Angelfish showed up as we were blowing
our bubble rings. They were only about a foot and
a half away from us.

My beautiful bubble ring! I'm finally getting really good at them.

1 comment:

  1. I am debating in my mind whether I am more impressed by the 100 dives, or by the perfect bubble ring.
