
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Utila to La Ceiba to Cuero

This week marks the beginning of my actual research internship here in Honduras. Or it should. We've met with some unexpected delays and are ending up spending more time in La Ceiba than we had intended. 

Yesterday, the professor and I came over to La Ceiba on the ferry, backtracking the trip I took a week ago with my dad. In La Ceiba, we met up with Robyn, who just flew in from the states. The original plan was to leave for Cuero y Salado today after picking up a third student researcher from the airport. Turns out her flight was delayed, however, so we're in La Ceiba until at least tomorrow, if not Thursday. For now, we get to be lazy and swim in the hotel pool (it's too hot to do much else). On the upside, there is a pool and we have fairly good internet connection. 

Once we leave La Ceiba, we'll be heading to a wildlife refuge called Cuero y Salado. The refuge encloses an estuary which is home to fish, manatees, alligators, and, of course, sea turtles. There are also many land animals which are protected by the refuge such as ocelots, jaguars, boa constrictors, howler monkeys, and white-faced monkeys. 

On another note, Robyn will also be keeping a blog of our time here in Honduras. If you want another look at our adventures, you can find her stories at:  http://sciencerobyn.blogspot.com/

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