
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Picky Turtle

Let me tell you the story of the picky turtle. For the purposes of this story, Chel (the BICA worker) and Lindsey will be referred to as the Head Honchos. Robyn and I comprise the Lowly Undergrads. Collectively, we are The Researchers. Slight details have been modified from the original to fit this format. And now, Once Upon a Time... 

6:30   The Researchers arrive on the beach and settle down in their usual spots. 
7:03   The sky threatens rain on The Researchers and those on the beach quickly pack up and head for the tent. 
7:20   The rain ends and The Researchers move back to the beach. 
8:00   The rain recommences and The Researchers pack gear again and move to the tent. 
8:12   The rain comes down with a vengeance and The Researchers in the tent discover that the rain fly (actually a tarp strung between trees) has some structural issues causing rain to enter the tent. 
8:51   The rain ends.
9:03   The Head Honchos, walking the beach, find a turtle in the act of digging a nest. 
9:10   Head Honcho C and Lowly Undergrad A settle down to watch the turtle finish digging the nest hole. 
9:20   Lowly Undergrad R and Head Honcho L arrive. Lowly Undergrad A's foot is asleep and the turtle has decided hole site #2 is no good (hole site #1 was abandoned before The Researchers arrived on scene). 
9:33   The turtle has decided hole site #3 is no good either. The Researchers wait.
9:36   Digging begins at hole site #4. The Researchers wait.
9:40   The Researchers know that turtles sometimes dig multiple holes before finally settling on a nest site but they are unsure of how many nest attempts are normal...
9:55   The turtle is dubbed Picky Turtle. She joins the ranks of 10 O'Clock Turtle, 3 O'Clock Turtle, and Ninja Turtle. 
10:02 The Lowly Undergrads trek back to the tent for their forgotten rain gear as the sky lets loose yet again.
10:12   Hole site #4 is, apparently, not good enough for Picky Turtle. 
10:13   It becomes evident to the Head Honchos that Picky Turtle is not going to nest and motions begin to flipper tag her before she makes it back to the ocean. 
10:14   Lowly Undergrad R becomes a turtle wrestler. 
10:17   Flipper tagging is complete and The Researchers step back to wait. 
10:21   Picky Turtle has finally found her way out of the bushes and is making tracks towards the beach. 
10:27  The Researchers bid Picky Turtle, "Adieu," and begin erasing the tracks she made. 
10:31   It is discovered that hole site #1 was actually more likely hole site #3, adjusting the holes The Researchers witnessed to hole sites #4, #5, and #6. 
10:40  The Researchers load equipment onto ATVs to return to their real beds.  


  1. How come the night work ends with the tagging of a turtle?

  2. 1. Because even if we'd had another turtle that night, the data loggers for the nest would have needed to be reset and Lindsey didn't know how to do that.
    2. Because the rain was going to continue but we were not staying dry even inside the tent.
