
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


If you know me very well, you probably know I'm normally not very bothered by bugs. For the purpose of this discussion, we won't be using the scientific definition of bug (ie, a special group of insects displaying certain qualities that make them "true bugs"). Instead, we'll be using Dr. Zoolittle's* definition which, if I remember the spiel correctly, is, "Anything that makes you go, *shudder with appropriate accompanying noise.* It could be your brother, your mother-in-law, your ex-boyfriend." So, not really bothered by bugs (or my brother, incidentally. You'll have to wait on my verdict about the other two as I currently have neither.) For example, I woke up last night on the beach to find a decently large spider sitting on the stump near my head. Not bothered by it. Instead, I wished I had a camera handy so I could take a picture of it. 

I do, however, take issue with biting bugs. I don't mind bugs like spiders which will bite if you threaten or provoke them. I mind the ones that bite for the purpose of sucking my blood. I especially mind if they hurt while biting and even worse are the ones that create an itchy welt. Overall, the Mosquito Bite Counter has gone down since getting back to Utila. I've had a few random bites, but nowhere near as many as that first week. On the beach, the worry is sand flies. Up till a couple nights ago, however, we had a steady breeze all night that kept bugs away. Not tonight, though. The wind cut out around 2 am and the sand flies promptly arrived and proceeded to feast upon Lindsey, Robyn, and I. With bug spray working depressingly poorly, we decided to leave the beach at 3 am. I've never seen us pack up so fast! 

*Dr. Zoolittle was a character who gave an animal show at the San Diego Zoo. I believe they still have the show, but, last time I saw it, they'd changed the actor and it just wasn't the same.

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