
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sea/Land Dolphin

Today I was assigned to cetacean survey. It was supposed to be a sea based survey. We've got an inflatable duck that's serving as a second boat until Cheetah is back in the water. The only problem is that we've been having issues getting it to stay inflated. Sea dolphin is an activity that is supposed to run from 8am till 5 pm. Yesterday's dolphin survey came back around 2pm, though, because Pixel, the "duck", had deflated. We were hopeful that after patching, we'd be good to go today. Nope. After only an hour and a half on the water, the front pontoon was so deflated that we called it quits and headed back to shore. The rest of the day was spent doing dolphin survey from land. We ended up seeing five or six Humpback Whales, a small pod of Humpback Dolphins, and a few Bottlenose Dolphins so we called the rest of the day a success.  

Pixel, the inflatable "duck" that's standing in for Cheetah.

Land dolphin survey at Kleinbrak

1 comment:

  1. Ummm, are inflatables the best idea in shark infested waters?
