
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Presentations and Halloween

Presentation on my work in Honduras while dressed as a pirate.
Not my last day, but a lot of people are taking off for home tomorrow. All the photo interns are leaving and not quite half the research interns. Today we didn't have our regular work schedule but, instead, gave presentations on topics of our choice. This meant that topics ranged from projects people have done in school to "How To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse" (Conclusion: Get Chuck Norris). Many people also dressed up since it's Halloween. We had a few pirates, a trio from Up! (snipe, boy, and house), the Terminator, and a zombie apocalypse survivor (appropriately giving the "How To" presentation). 

The new group of interns should be arriving over the next few days. Usually they'd all arrive tomorrow but it seems some may have been delayed by Hurricane Sandy. For the rest of us, it's back to work like normal tomorrow! 
"Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse"

Vegemite is recommended repellant from dropbears
(an Australian threat)

"The Crazy Swedes: A Presentation Verfying the Myth"
presented by The Crazy Swede, himself

1 comment:

  1. I take it these were not all masters or PhD thesis works.
