
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

God's Been Good to Me

Out on the chum boat this morning, I came across a song I don't recall listening to before. It's a song by Keith Urban called "God's Been Good to Me." I know most the lyrics refer to Tennessee or country music but the chorus seems so appropriate for here and now. The chorus goes: 

He put me, smack dab in the middle of Paradise, 
In the heart of the city where my dreams would come alive. 
And everything I have, and everything I see, 
Is just another reminder, God's been good to me.

Now, I realize just about every single day how lucky I am to be here in South Africa doing what I'm doing, but the song still got stuck in my head and I couldn't help thinking of it over and over again all through our beautifully clear, sunny day, especially in terms of everything that's happened over the last couple years since I started university and have gotten to do so many things I never imagined. 

He put me, smack dab in the middle of Paradise,
Summer of 2010, research trip in the Philippines.

In the heart of the city where my dreams would come alive.
November 2010, presenting our Philippines sea cucumber
 research at the Murdock Undergraduate Science Conference.

And everything I have,
The sisters and I in Utila this summer.

And everything I see,
Cheetah walk at Tenikwa in October.

Is just another reminder,
Blue shark dive at Simon's Town.

God's been good to me.
Cage diving

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