
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Best Tug-of-War Ever

Just two more days in South Africa! Today was the last work day for those of us leaving. This month's interns are giving their presentations tomorrow and then I head for home on Saturday.

Today started bright and far too early. I got a final chum trip, although I think I might have enjoyed it slightly more if it hadn't come after getting off the last chum trip only 8 hours before. We're towing the decoys again so yesterday afternoon's trip ran from 13:30 to 20:00 while this morning's trip set out at 04:30. No breaches on the decoys either last night or this morning, but I got to skipper Lamnidae during the evening towing which was fun. Lamnidae, you ask? Oh yes, we're back on Lamnidae. Poseidon, or maybe whoever is in charge of ships, hates us and when the tracking crew tried to leave yesterday morning, Cheetah's engines wouldn't start. 

Anyway, it was a good last couple of trips with a total of about 18 sharks between the two chum shifts. I got several bait heads stolen from me, although I like to think I put up a good fight for the bait. At least they made for some good photos (courtesy of fellow intern, Natalie) and I did manage to put on shark into tonic. (With the bait, of course. Don't worry, Dad, I myself was still a safe distance from the shark). I've been told I can now officially call myself a shark researcher with that accomplishment under my belt. 

The shark going into tonic.
Playing tug-of-war (and losing) with the shark. 
Jason, me, Caitlin, and Dan following one of the fights
(a very splashy battle, as you can see) with a shark. 

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