
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Last Month's Interns

Start of month two in South Africa. In retrospect, I can't believe how quickly the first month went. There are seven new interns this month, and about the same number left, so we have roughly the same number this month. What's really weird to think of is that we're now last month's interns--we're the ones who know what's going on, how to do the jobs we're assigned. It doesn't sound like much, but we were the newbies all last month and suddenly we're not. 

The new interns arrived on Thursday and had orientation all day yesterday so we really haven't worked with them yet. Monday should start the schedule as normal, including all the new interns. For the rest of us, the last couple days have been work as normal although we haven't been able to go out on chum trips due to bad weather. The weather landside has been fantastic--sunny and warm--but it's been very windy which creates huge swell, too large for Lamnidae to handle. Yesterday morning's chum trip came back after being gone barely an hour and a half with stories of nearly losing Sarah overboard. My morning at the aquarium was much less eventful, although I did give a spur of the moment tour to three visitors. The aquarium is just beginning to offer these tours and I had finished reading through the packet of information barely 15 minutes before Braham came back and told me I'd be giving the unexpected visitors a tour. Thank you years of learning random marine facts and Conservation Corps training! 
The new interns getting an introduction to the aquarium.
15 pages of notes to learn about our little
tiny aquarium!

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