
Friday, November 9, 2012

Not Course Day

Fridays are no longer course day. That is, it's still course day for the new interns but not for those who have already been here a month. That way, the same cycle of presentations can be done each month and each group of interns gets to learn the material. Instead, it was a normal work day for us, albeit with smaller numbers and, consequently, fewer running activities. Today, the only things going on were aquarium and chumming. I was at the aquarium in the morning and chumming in the afternoon. 

Aquarium was routine except that we got done with all our work really quickly. Advantage and disadvantage to knowing what we're doing, all in one. It doesn't take us long, but it also leaves us with a lot of free time until we get picked up at the end of the morning. 

Chumming was awesome. It was clear and sunny day again but there was enough wind that we had a nice swell and riding the swell on Lamnidae is always fun. We saw nine sharks total and most of them were fairly interested in the bait. I may never live down breaking the week-old chum ladle, though... 

So, that's the end of another week in South Africa. Happy Sabbath!


  1. I'm just curious, ladles seem like one of those oh, so basic tools that are almost indestructible. So how does one "break" a ladle, short of running over it with a truck, for example.

    1. Because it's not a normal ladle. The old one is a plastic sandcastle mold screwed to a wooden stick. The new one was a plastic microwave-safe bowl attached in the same fashion.

  2. new chum ladle didn't last too long? should have stuck with the trusty sandcastle...
