
Monday, October 8, 2012

World's Highest Bungy Jump and a Cheetah Walk

I can sum up yesterday's activities in two pictures: 

However, I'm sure you want to know a little more, so here goes. Yesterday, a group of interns took an outing to the Bloukrans Bridge bungy jump and Tenikwa Wildlife Center. 

Bloukrans Bridge has the world's highest bungy jump--219 meters (718 feet). It was terrifying. Very fun, but very terrifying. I absolutely refused to watch anyone going off ahead of me (fortunately I was only the second jumper) and made sure I didn't look straight down for fear I'd lose my nerve. Nevertheless, the scream I let out as I went off the bridge was, reportedly, impressively long and loud. 

Tenikwa Wildlife Center serves two purposes. First, they have a hospital/rehabilitation center where injured animals can be brought, treated, and released back to the wild. Second, they keep a number of cats which are used for educational purposes, primarily in outreach programs to schools in an effort to educate children about more effective and less population damaging methods of dealing with the animals which can pose threats to livestock. One program offered to the public, though, is the opportunity to accompany the cheetahs on their morning or afternoon walk.
Bloukran's Bridge. Right there in the center is where the bungy jump launches from.
Not entirely sure why I want to jump off that thing...
Jon-Michael and I, the two interns from our group jumping
Attaching the ankle straps. 
What you can't quite see here is the death grip my other hand had on the railing.
Recovery- getting back on the bridge
Jon-Michael, Megan, myself, and Georgia with the male cheetah we walked
Walking the cheetah

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