
Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Today was all orientation. In the morning, we heard lots of information from the directors of Oceans and various field specialists who will be working with us. There was also a lot of information about trips that we can take, activities we can do in our free time, and plenty of wavers to sign. In the afternoon, we heard from various masters students who are here working on thesis research and whose projects we'll be working on. Tomorrow starts actual work--dolphin surveying in the morning and a chum trip in the afternoon, for me. 

For now, here are some pictures of the Oceans Campus where I'm living for the next two months. 
My room, shared with three other interns. I'm on the top bunk closest to the camera.
The center area of the campus. My room is over at the far corner of the building, behind the green umbrella in this picture.
Looking at the main building from the center area (pool on the right and dorm building behind). Reception, dining area, and bar, plus the Adventure Activities office (white sign) where you can schedule outings and also a small souvenir shop.
Pool on the left and my room on the right, looking towards more of the hotel section of campus.
The view of the campus from the door of my room. Not too shabby. 
White boards on the side of the reception building with the schedule for all interns duties as well as a schedule of evening presentations, outings, and another board for the wildlife photography interns.
The dining area, reception and the lobby is behind me and the bar is up through the open doorway on the right of the shot.
The bar area. There are also tables for playing a few boardgames available and a pool table.
The lobby area filled with interns seeking internet access. Occasionally you can get a weak signal in the room but it's usually easiest to just migrate.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Utila this is NOT. Just to be clear - this is considered work?
