
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Aquarium and Chumming

Yesterday was an easy day. I had recreation time in the morning (I didn't have to work) and in the afternoon, I helped with a shark dissection. We dissect sharks that have died (usually small ones) to help compile a database about sharks in the area (measurements, weights, tissue samples) but more on that another time when I have some pictures to accompany it. 

Today, I was at the aquarium in the morning and on the chum boat in the afternoon. It's been cold and windy all day and, while we were out on the boat, clouds rolled in to cover what portion of the sky was not already overcast, and it started to rain. 

A baby Pajama Jacket in the aquarium.
Getting ready to feed the baby sharks. Catherine, one of my roommates, is grinning down in the corner. Georgia apparently missed the memo that we were taking a picture.
Cleaning up the boat in the rain after chumming.
Rinsing the boat, bait bucket, and motors.


  1. You chummed, but did anything respond? Does rain cause an end to chumming? And Georgia looks upset, sad, or dejected!

    1. We saw two sharks but only one went for the bait or even stuck around for any length of time. Yes, we did end up heading in a little early due to the rain. Our skipper decided we'd suffered enough with the tossing of the ocean and getting wet resetting the anchor multiple times.
