
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Plans for the Week

We're heading to Cape Town for some diving (among other things)--tomorrow! We found out at noon today that we'll be leaving at 5 am tomorrow morning. We had originally been told we'd leave either Thursday or Friday but it looks like the best weather for diving will be Thursday and Friday so, tomorrow it is! The abrupt change in departure time added some nice scrambling for packing, mall runs for necessities, and laundry but, other than that, the day was fairly normal. 

This morning I had dissection. We dissected a spiny dogfish, as we had last time, and this time I was the one actually doing the cutting. In the afternoon, I had another chum trip. The time was, like yesterday, split between chumming and towing the decoy. The sea state made things quite interesting (lots of wind so the sea was nice and choppy) but, otherwise, it was a fairly dull trip. We only saw one shark the entire 2.5 or so hours and that one was nearly underneath our boat while we were driving out to Seal Island. 

1 comment:

  1. Please do not look like, smell like, swim like chum, seal, dolphin, or whale when you dive. Thank you.
