
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Home for the Holidays

Home again and this time it's a little more permanent, at least as far as remaining within the U.S. is concerned. Now just adjusting to being back at the home with a timezone opposite South Africa and plunging into winter after about six months of more or less perpetual summer. Oh, and my Facebook account still seems to think it's in SA. Not quite sure what's up with that. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying things like Straight No Chaser concerts and listening to Sarah (sister Sarah, again) regale us with tales about her photo course adventures in New Zealand and Fiji. 

Now for your viewing pleasure, here is a little video I put together with photos and videos from the last two months. It's basically the quick version of everything you've been reading about here since October--a snapshot of life working at Oceans as an intern. Or course, that life is never in danger of having all work and no play. Just follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nton6flbGU. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Is this the end of the blog? (Sad face emoticon, just don't know how to do those)
