
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Things I Don't Miss...

In light of the fact that I keep getting pictures and stories of adorable tiny sea turtles from Robyn and Lindsey back on Utila, I've decided to comfort myself with a list of things I don't miss about my life on a tropical island. 

-Cigarette smoke: I hate breathing the stuff and there are no designated smoking or non-smoking areas whatsoever. 

-Monitoring where food and water come from: I don't like it when things go wrong with my digestive tract. 

-Sweating while sitting still indoors: Air conditioned houses and buildings are amazing. 

-Sandflies: I believe I've made my sentiments about these small insects amply clear. 

-All other bugs whose existence in life is provided by sucking my blood: Especially if they leave an itchy welt. The last few lingering mosquito and sandfly bites are finally not itching. Do you know how incredible it is to sit outdoors, sans bug spray, and not be bitten?? 

That said, you really should look at Lindsey's blog and Robyn's blog to see their pictures of working with the hatchlings. 

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