
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Welcome to Honduras!

Conclusion: Utila, Honduras is not the easiest place on the globe to reach. However, my dad and I have finally arrived following three plane flights (the first leaving at 1 am and in progressively smaller planes), a taxi ride, an unanticipated overnight stay in La Ceiba, another taxi ride, and a ferry. Perhaps not the toughest locale to reach, but certainly not the easiest. 

By now, I’m certain you’re wondering why I am in Honduras. I’ll be here for the next couple months doing a research internship working with sea turtles. We’ll be looking, specifically, at the nesting turtles and the beaches they are utilizing. That will take a bulk of my time here so expect to hear much, much more about the life of a researcher in Honduras. Unless I see sharks during my dive course, you’ll have to wait for posts regarding those creatures until my second research internship of the year sends me to South Africa.

And with that, my two months and adventures in Honduras commence!

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