
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Photos from our first few days in Honduras. 

View of Tegucigalpa from the airport, waiting for our flight to La Ceiba. 

 On the ferry from La Ceiba to Utila. 

 The Mango Inn. Dad and I are staying here for the first week, while I start my dive course. 

 Dad, of course, documented my first ride in a Tuk Tuk. 

 Utila Dive Center, one of many dive shops on the island, where I am taking my Dive Master course. 

 One of the main roads (well, as much of a main road as Utila has).

 Dad, riding in a Tuk Tuk and photographing passing scenery, cars, and people (in other words, everything). 

 Utila! My home for two and a half months. 

Why is it that all my summer activities, or merely activities I consider fun, seem to include an enormous amount of work and tests? Not that I'm complaining, of course. As I said, this is what I'm doing for fun!

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