
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Divemaster Training Begins

This morning, we began Divemaster training in earnest. We technically started on Monday, but this morning was the first time we actually hit the water since the first couple days were merely bookwork. There are four other people who are beginning the course with me. In addition to the five of us, there are a number of Divemasters in Training (DMTs) who are already in their second or third week of the course.

Today's lessons were how to help get a boat ready to go out for a dive, fill out all the proper paperwork for reef fees and role call, give dive site and boat briefings, and then some advanced buoyancy control practice while on the dive. While taking Divemaster at the Utila Dive Center (UDC), you almost serve as an intern. We've been taught how to fill tanks, we're expected to prep the boats for dives, and help other students and resort divers pick and check out gear. This especially comes in handy when, later on in the course, we help out with Open Water or other lower level scuba courses. Following the short lessons, we did two fun dives. 82 degrees at 70 feet; such a change from last summer!

Utila, as seen from the ocean.
Lenard, one of UDC's captains, driving Ulysses (one of four
dive boats) to our first dive site.

Gear for six DMTs set up on the boat before our second dive. 

Mike, a fellow first-week DMT, gets an impromptu lesson 
in tying up the boat...to another boat!

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