
Sunday, October 21, 2012


Right before I left home, a South African friend told me that vehicles from George (a city about 40 minutes from Mossel Bay) have the letters CAW on their license plates. She said the joke is that CAW stands for Cold And Wet. Well, I can't speak for George, specifically, but Mossel Bay is definitely living up to cold and wet. We woke up to rain yesterday morning and it continued on and off (mostly on) all day. Today has only had a couple sprinkles of rain but there's been some wind and lots of clouds. 

Due to the weather, this weekend's formally scheduled activities were put on hold so we had lots of time to relax instead. Yesterday, with all the rain, we didn't really leave campus. Today, though, the weather was very nice around mid-day so a large group of us went to the beach a five minute walk from the Boland Hotel. We got a game of rugby going but, with teams consisting of one Brit, one Australian, one American girl who's played rugby in college, and nine Americans (who have very little notion of the rules of the game), who knows how much it actually resembled rugby. 
Rugby on Diaz Beach
Another intern having fun with settings I didn't know my camera had!
(I was in the game)

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