
Monday, October 15, 2012

A Foggy Day

It was cloudy, rainy, and windy all day long. We tried to do a survey for cetaceans in the morning but weather was so poor we ended the attempt after barely an hour. There was no way we were going to spot cetaceans in the bay with the sea state what it was. The weather was so bad, in fact, that all water based work duties were canceled. The morning chum trip came back after having barely been out and the afternoon chum trip that I was supposed to be on was not even attempted. Instead, I spent the afternoon at the aquarium. While I was there, a new baby Pajama Jacket hatched. That brings us up to five baby sharks; two Pajama Jackets and three Puff Adders. Their names are Sweetness, Katie, Wolfy, Thor, and Zeus. 

At the top of another local hotel, attempting cetacean survey.
Catherine and I identifying dolphins via dorsal fin photos
after giving up on surveying.
Baby Puff Adders--Thor and Zeus
Nick, Elayna, and Georgia admiring the newest shark.
The brand new Pajama Jacket, Katie

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