
Friday, September 7, 2012

USA, Temporarily

In case anyone was wondering, I've reached California again. Despite some hiccups getting a taxi at our hotel in Tegucigalpa (the scheduled one never showed up and, when called, only one instead of two arrived but despite looking worried, the driver got three of us plus our luggage in!), the trip was quite uneventful. So now I'm home and readjusting to life in a first-world country. Not that the adjustments are all that huge, that is. Minor things like remembering that I rinse my mouth after brushing with water from the faucet, much less outright drink it. Then there's the habit of throwing toilet paper in a trash can to break. However, if that's the most I have to readjust to, I'm not complaining. 

What happens next? I'm home for a few weeks and then we start the next adventure. I'm heading to South Africa for an internship with sharks!

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